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Old 02-26-2007, 01:49 PM   #18
Define so far.

I do what I do because it works.

Why be nambipambi and beat around the bush when, in a few sentences I can convey exactly what I want to?

What line do you speak of? There is NO line that I am aware of. I know of an arbitrary boundary that is not in the same place from post to post much less thread to thread.

I'm not trying to be nice, I'm trying to make a point.

Some of you seem to be confusing being nice with the ability to make a point.

And Mike, if YOU started a thread that way, I would consider why you did so, READ the post, and then decided if it warranted an answer at all. Then I would answer as I thought best served my position.

Is that not, in essense, what you do? Why is it wrong for me? Becuase I am not polite? Becuase I am not nice? I'm nice when it's correct to be nice. Go look at leigh's last thread, go look at nicky's. It was right to be nice, firm but nice, and that is exactly what I did.

chriss66 does not deserve nice. YOU may think so, but you didn't start this thread.

I did and I did it in the way I thought best served my purpose, which was to let YOU guys know just how abysmally ignorant he is.

Whether you like the overall thread or not, I suspect it served its purpose quite well, as it was supposed to.