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Old 03-02-2007, 02:30 PM   #8
Chameleon Company
Maybe you do not care. I have no way of knowing the motives of those who expressed a concern in that thread, and I would suggest that you do not either. Speaking only for myself, and influenced by the one time that my name was erroneously included in a negative thread title, my assumption is that people feel there should be a recourse action or remedy, and do not want to see it happen again to either them or someone they have concern for. Maybe they have some sense of "fair play" that they felt was violated. A few may also feel that it is in the best interest of the site to tidy up a few loose ends. As they say, if you don't learn from your mistakes, you will repeat them. A similar incident, with similar complaints, will certainly happen again here. If threads such as that are in the best interest of Fauna, then there is no need to reevaluate, whether it be a change in policy, or just the required reading. If the net result of the thread was some disenchantment by members, then I can only be left to wonder.

Lucille, if you feel so strongly to have now trolled two separate non-related threads, how about picking the appropriate forum for such discussion, like "Sound Off", and garner some opinions. I don't care where you put it, and would likely get dinged if I offered other alternatives anyway. My genuine and sincere advice to you is as it was before. You should not bother with chameleons at this time. Call us stuck-up, etc, but there are many breeders within the hobby who feel that such value judgements are appropriate before they make a sale. It is a judgement I rarely make, but my point is to suggest to you that there are better ways to get that which you seek, and that the current approach is not in the best interest of the chameleon(s) you hope to enslave for your pleasure. There are many out there who peruse the forums capable of providing you information. Any speculation as to why they have chosen to not come to your assistance as you want them to escapes me.