FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Classifieds section can ONLY be posted in by paid members as of 03/06/07
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Old 03-09-2007, 05:51 PM   #71
Originally Posted by jwmckee
Looking at the threads to respones are next to nothing now. Very boring site. ihope you recionsider!
It's interesting how taking a small snippet of an entire post and using that mere snippet can turn an inocuous statement into a venom filled sting.

One would think that someone with the status, bought and paid for of course and not awarded for outstanding abilities or knowledge or citizenship, of a moderator, would be above such childish actions.

Of course, if one recalls that this same self promoted person of moderator status, not necessarily ability, is GUILTY of far worse editing and deleting of other posts merely to further HER ajenda, then I suppose this comes as no real surprise.

Can't teach an old dog new tricks but you sure can get her to do the old familiar ones, I see.