FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Ray Roberson ( ap3923 on Reptile Auctions ) A Great Guy!!!
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Old 04-04-2007, 02:58 PM   #1
John E Dove
Ray Roberson ( ap3923 on Reptile Auctions ) A Great Guy!!!

As I have not been able to log into the Reptile Auctions since they changed to Reptile Auctions I cannot bid there but I do keep watch to see what is selling.
In the case of Mr. Roberson I saw his ad and noted he stated he had a number of snakes for sale beyond the one being offered for auction. Since he included his email in the ad I contacted him privately and post an inquiry here to ascertain if anyone had any experience with him. Though I did not get any feed back on Mr. Roberson I decided to take the gamble and ran into a very honest individual who represents his animals very well.
In fact, he even understates their beauty and certainly sells them far below their worth as far as I am concerned. Not only did he sell me three breeding size female corns for the price of babies but when there was a shipping error that led to a 1 day delay in the shipping he offered to refund my shipping costs.
Of course, as the error was not his, I could not take advantage but the fact that he made the offer was what counted in my book.
Bottom line if anyone is thinking of buying from Ray Roberson, ap3923 on Reptile Auctions, rest assured that you will be dealing with an honest man. I only wish I had the money and feeders that I could purchase the Scarlet Kings he has up for auction.

Now DHL on the other hand, GRRRRR!!!
For a number of years I have had a no buy policy if shipped through DHL. I broke my own rules this time and was lucky to only have had a one day delay in receiving my animals. I won’t say "never again" but most assuredly not soon in the future.
John E Dove