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Thread: Cooks Tree Boa
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Old 04-17-2007, 12:52 PM   #1
Cooks Tree Boa

Ok I know these guys arent exactly nice...well no let me rephase that, I know these guys can be mean as hell! lol Anyways the cooks we have at work we have had for about 6 months now, I looked at my boss the day I came in (2 days after the snake arrived) and went...wth did you order us a mean snake,you know cooks dont make good pets! I have encountered cooks before, I myself when working at a different store, ordered a cooks because the reptile distro people said it was beautiful, and beautiful it was,they never bothered to tell me they were such an aggressive species. Well I named this snake at work now Mr. Nasty. I am fond of Mr Nasty, incredibally beautiful(check out my photo gallery,I have pics there under boa and also under aboreal boa/python), not so sweet though. Anyways Mr Nasty has had trouble shedding, and I am the only one who gets him out to soak him, and I am only there 2 days a week. I was able to get some shed off, but he cant hardly see and hasnt eaten in 2 weeks(he is about 4-5' long and tends to eat 3-4 mice), so I am taking him to the vet to make sure there isnt an underlinging issue with him, I personally believe he might have a resp infection, when he tries to strike at me, the inside of his mouth is yellow(and btw I work for an exotics vets office also). Wow this has turned into a long post..lol So anyways I have agreed to no snakes in the house(I personally keep beardies and cresties), but I want to get Mr Nasty out of the pet store, although we give good care there, I think he would be alot happier and heathier out of there and into a home. We dropped his rice at the store down to less than what we paid for him, but I was thinking of buying him and trying to sell him out myself as we have the type of clients that want nice pets, not ones that strike at them. So my question is, once I get Mr Nasty good and healthy again, how much do these guys go for on the market? Does anyone know of a place online besides here and Kingsnake to post him? Does anyone out there know of someoen who wants one? I am not 100% sure of the sex, I dont handle it long enough to really get a good look at it to tell the sex, I am sure when i get it into the office, Dr Tim and I will have long enought time to check. Not sure how I am going to talk the people at work into medicating this snake as everyone but myself is afraid to touch it...an here I dont like touching the hamsters...weird huh! LOL thanks guys!