FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad/Intact shed on canebrake
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Old 04-20-2007, 08:05 PM   #3
Those suck, Jim. Over the years, I have gotten a couple of rattlers in with badly stuck sheds. I can give you suggestions, but none of them ever worked for me with a shed that bad - I always ended up manually removing the skin piece by piece.
There is the obvious: long soak (looooooong soak) followed by putting the snake in a container with a damp, heavy towel...but it really sounds as if you need to soften the skin first. Wondering if some kind of skin conditioner, ie aloe or similar, would be of benefit - once she was all soaked, you could coat the towel with it before boxing her up.
I have heard that dab of mineral oil works for retained eyecaps - not sure how it would be in this scenario, though. (the bad thing about it is whether it works or not, there will probably be shed scales for a while after - at least that was the result I got when I was directed to use it as mite treatment a long time ago...what a mess, scales for a solid month)