FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - INtroducing the "Enigma", a Brand New Leopard Gecko Morph!
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Old 04-28-2007, 04:35 PM   #88

Well... that hurt my eyes to read, especially since you seem to have forgotten how to use proper punctuation.

(TS) Yes thats because im human and like all no one is perfect.

You have made some decent points, however many of the things you said are incorrect and just show your lack of knowledge regarding herpetoculture and the reptile trade.

(TS) In fact i have quite a decent amount of knowledge and your accessment is definitely off but your entitled to your own opinion as am i.

There are plenty of $100 - $200 leopard geckos available on the market, and if you are truly interested in the animals as you seem to indicate, then it should not matter to you what "morph" the animal is, a leopard gecko is a leopard gecko to you, no matter the color or pattern, right?

(TS) I am perfectly aware of the reptile scene and animals within the 100 to 200 price range as i am of the fact that a Tangerine say is not the same as Diablo Blanco or Enigma or Snow ect ect .... Nice use of words but we're talking what the general herp community out there would like to see someday as far as the price monoply ending so all can afford whatever they choose as opposed to just whats out there thats is low priced or already affordable thanks to the same tactic and them finally having gone down enough? I used a hypothetical morph which is not in existence by name and 'YES' and am also sharp enough to realize that there are many forms of leopard gecko's such as the SP. but when last i checked the whole premises was about whats wrong with todays practices on the scene as its limits availability to only those that pay the ransom and the greed nowadays in the selling scene and the farceness in general. And yes a leopard gecko is a leopard gecko if we are talking Eublepharis Macularius so lets not misrepresent add or take from what was said as im perfectly aware of what i said and the differences in species, localities and /or their differences despite some typos which in case you missed the point isn't what the entire eye popper was about

Some of us love Eublepharis sp. and at the same time we are interested in new color and pattern morphs and will pay more money for them because of their rarity.

(TS) Yes some do love Eublepharis sp. and yes many are interested in new color morphs and yes they will obviously pay or have to for the term new morph or lets call it rarity as you said since they've no other choice as these newer morphs awill more than likely end up being sold for a 'PROFIT' unless your actually considering to put them in the hands of at a much cheaper rate which would be a major breakthrough for a change and most wouldn't take this novel and altruistic approach... Okay anyway if you decide to say sell the enigmas for $150.00 to $200.00 that way everyone alike will truly have a champion on the scene offering them a different option it would truly be a change from your sounding almost as if people want them for their expensive price since these are considered a 'RARITY' but you see im equally just as sure as are you that everyone out there wants all the latest morphs whether yours or anothers period but especially and even more so and appealingly so if all were much more easily affordable which is why only a select number of candidates will make the initial investment again leaving everyone else out of the loop until such time as the price eventually drops someday and then the rest can have a chance or crack at them unless im wrong and you'll be different setting fighting for everyone which would be truly be a breath of fresh air but from your reply im not so sure thats case so please enlighten me on the actual price of adults versus young and im sure they'll be reasonable right?

If that's not your thing then don't buy an Enigma (or whatever), buy a more common morph that you can afford.

(TS) If whats not my thing? The newer morphs and/or their prices? I thought i'd made it quite clear that we all know everyone out there would love every morph me being no different but okay i expected this type of a response and the original ending punch line or sentence "then don't buy" ... How typical.
... Um exactly how much will the youngsters go for?,... something reasonable right that should be no prob for everyone to be able to afford in general right?

Kelli Hammack