FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Does Everyone who is Suspended.....
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Old 04-29-2007, 02:33 AM   #9
The answers have been covered, Wes, you just have to figure it out on your own. Start with figuring out the number of times you have been "zeroed out" in relation to being suspended or banned, and that might help give you a clue. Bear in mind that I can also manually "zero out" someone as well, if I see the need to do so. Yes, I sometimes do that to members who are abusing the karma system. It's the easiest way to put them on ice for a while. I think someone referred to it as being "nuked" not that long ago... If I wanted, I could make the negative number SO big that they would never climb back out of that hole.

12 or 15 times being suspended? And almost half way there to the next one....... And you forgot to mention the "permanent" ban .....