FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Intense Herpetoculture - Any feedback?
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Old 05-14-2007, 08:58 PM   #79
I have no stake in this.
As I said eariler, I talked with Justin about this problem, BECAUSE 3 people contacted ME, assumming I could remedy the situation.
These 3 people knew that I knew Justin, and they wanted MY opinion of the situation.
That's all, nothing else.
I put the word out that I wanted Justin to call me, and he did.
He told me he would remedy this. I reported this.

The 3 people that contacted have vended at my shows and know that I know Justin.
I am not a mediator. I simply passed the info on to Justin when he called.

Again, Sam, I have no "stake" in this.

Randal Berry