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Old 05-25-2007, 02:22 AM   #317
I'm not sure I would use the term "combative", but I would use "abusive" for at least most of that post.

But quite certainly I would interpret your opening statement demanding that I prove you are lying or to withdraw an accusation (I never made, btw) as DEFINITELY being combative in nature.

You are in the same role you have been in all along in this thread by attempting to belittle those people who have paid the higher level memberships in order to lend a helping hand with warning system use. I am fully aware that you are attempting to undermine this entire plan and I am certain other people see it as well. I'm not sure of your goals, but I believe without a doubt that you do not have this site's health and welfare in mind. Quite the contrary, actually.

I have already posted evidence concerning Ed Clark's actions as a mod that I have seen while analyzing the warning system log that apparently disputes those claims you are making about him in this statement:
I think Mr. Clark is a very poor excuse for a moderator that abuses his position, which he had to pay for, to get back at people he has personal beefs with. I think the same is true of christopher666 whose last name I do not know.
I haven't looked at the actions of christopher666, and probably won't without a damned good reason. I suspect I would likely find more of the same, where a handfull of people are just pissed that they got warning points from him. This is not at all unusual from what I have experienced myself and seen from the site mods. But I believe the resentment runs a little deeper in reactions to the warning system mods.

So as I have said before elsewhere, people are just getting tired of your witchhunt of the day directed mostly at people who have exercised the power I have granted them in order to help with this site. I believe they are seeing that you just resent authority in any form, as that just appears to be your nature. You just do not LIKE anyone telling you what you can or cannot do.

Truth is, in my opinion, is that some people are just tired of the way you act here, Wes. And some may even be willing to pay money in order to escort you out the door. Probably the only reason you are STILL here is because I made the hurdle pretty high in order to do that. If I had made the hurdle just at the $25 per year level, or the suspension trigger lower, I am pretty confident you would already be gone.

Apparently one mistake I made setting up this warning system mods program was that I was so concerned with abuse that I made it far too difficult for the mods to actually do their job. 500 warning points to get a suspension is quite steep. Perhaps TOO steep. But that error is DEFINITELY fixable.

Originally Posted by Wilomn
Rich, I ask in all seriousness the following.

In the first post above you state that "If someone wants to discuss perceived problems in a respectful (or at least non-combative) manner, then by all means do so."

I was being at least non-combative and, for me anyway, respectful, in my giving of my opinion.

ancientdna dinged me for that post.

Was I out of line, or more correctly worded, do YOU think I was out of line?

I surely had no intention of being combative in any way shape or form.