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Old 06-03-2007, 09:09 PM   #152
Originally Posted by varnyard
Ronald, do you really want me to start listing members here that have links to forums in their signatures? There are many, it is still a website, regardless of forums. I might add, with no rule violations here.

As for the signature, you are allowed three lines to use, still no rule violation.
Get this straight, Bobby, I don't have a problem, normally, with people posting links to their websites. I really don't care one way or the other. But I DO have a problem when someone cops an attitude ranting and raving about this site and they are leaving, and then wants to tell everyone about the site they can come visit them at. THAT is what I have a problem with. It's the NATURE of how it is done that matters. It is THOSE kinds of people engaging in such mannerisms that I have no desire whatsoever to help in any way. I guess I am really curious why you believe I should think otherwise about your obvious intentions.

Otherwise this site is just littered with links to other sites pretty darn similar to this one, and certainly some people would compare as competing with this one in content. Big deal. As long as they aren't HERE to merely cause me grief and trump up incidents to try to give people reasons to come to their site instead of this one, I really don't care. More power to them. But YOU and YOUR attitude and apparent intentions, yes I DO care.

I really don't HAVE to take the time and effort make it a formal rule in order to stop someone from acting in a destructive and malicious nature on this site. I can do it immediately, without warning, as and when needed. Why else would you post a message of the type
Originally Posted by varnyard
I will no longer be responding to questions or comments on any of these forums. If you have questions or comments about my threads, or tegus feel free to contact me @xxxxxxxxxxx.xxx

Thanks, best regards,
Why would you think I would be real thrilled about someone trying to siphon off members visiting that discussion forum? And I seriously doubt anyone will not see through that intent with that message you posted.

Why ELSE would you post in HUGE letters in your signature area, supposedly on your way out the door, the site you are an admin at? Just being friendly to the folks remaining here?

You've made false accusations in this thread that I deleted your formerly stickied posts in the Tegu forum instead of making any real effort to find out the true situation. So yeah, you got egg on your face, because you forgot the proper sequence of FIRE, ready, and aim.

You are trying to crap all over the doorway on your way out of here, and I've about had enough of it. You have a personal issue with someone who has opted to help out with policing this site via the warning system mods. Sorry about that. For better or worse, it's my decision to do it that way, not yours. If you can't live with my decision, although I would prefer it otherwise, then you know where the door is. If you have no real intentions of staying here as an active HELPFUL participant, then I think your motives at this point are crystal clear to everyone.

Last chance, Bobby. Cut the crap. You can leave or not, up to you, but the crap IS going to be gone, even if I have to put you out in order to stop it. You've deleted YOUR photogaphs out of posts in the discussion forums to make your short timer attitude evident, so good for you. I hope it felt good for you when you did that and proud of the image it paints of YOU. Yes, I believe it was done spitefully and out of pettiness. That's my OPINION, and I'm sticking to it.

Oh and as for this comment you made:
I have never attacked you, if so, post the proof. Yet this is how you act.
Are you telling me here, hand on the Bible and everything, that you have NOT attacked me in conversations with others?

Does the phrase "cram it straight up his ass!!" ring a bell?