FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Argentine Boa Help
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Old 06-11-2007, 11:35 PM   #7
thanks for the info i do plan to take him in very soon i would say the temp in the cage is about 90 on one end and 80 on the other so it shouldnt be to bad.

i am in cleveland ohio i wonder where i can find a Herpetological society

i am thinking thats its just going to be a 20 or 30 dollar shot but i wasnt thinking they charge to just look at your pet.

but yeah i am going to make sure this snake is ok or else that pet shop i will never do buisness with again i called them they said if there was a problem they would refund me my money but i really like this snake so i hope it isnt going to be nothing crazy like 150 bucks because i dont have that much atm.

it doesnt sound like he is having any probs breathing or any gurgles seems a lot better i know they had there snakes in a lot of wood chip beeding so maybe that had something to do with it,

Cause this snake was in with 3 or 4 other huge snakes and if it was really sick i dont think the pet shop would of put them together.

but you never know.