FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Lori Kehoe/Lori_SnakesRule (not a good guy post, not a bad guy post)
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Old 04-02-2003, 09:49 PM   #8
First of all, I did not delete the posts....
Then I can safely assume that Lori Kehoe deleted the post, which did NOT violate your TOS in ANY fashion.

And no, it is NOT about your site or you Clay, or RH.

It IS about an outstanding debt that has been continually ignored by Lori Kehoe.

Emails ignored, PMs opened and IGNORED as can be seen in the pic i posted above, see the small OPEN envelop beside the PM to Lori Kehoe?

That means it was read.

By her.

Ignored by her.

If anyone else opened it, then she has violated the trust that you have given her, by allowing others to log in as her, with her account.

Once again, Clay,
This issue has been around for over a year.
The emails and PMs have been ignored.
All the promises by her to send the $$ for the last year, have not been kept.

It is funny how you made this post seem as if I should have some control over your situation.... that I was NO HELP.. I also emailed her concerning this, but that is as far as I go..
Lori Kehoe is a moderator for you.
I would be appreciative of ANYONE that let me, as an admin, know that a moderator has had and is continuing to ignore debts, even small ones, in the reptile world of the WWW.
You as the site owner, can say "Lori, is there any way you can handle this, BEFORE it goes public on the entire WWW?'
Since it was deleted, not by you of course, and in the same fasion of total gestapoism that has been displayed by Lori Kehoe on the other sites she has modded or adminned on, then it stands to seem that Lori Kehoe is still feigning innocence and is attemptimg to skirt the issue at hand by 'hiding' it as best that she can.

Since the PM was opened AND ignored, then I can safely say that Lori Kehoe HAS been online, although claiming to be offline during this period of time, preceeding THIS post, on the BOI.

I can say that my forum will not be a place to where this type of problem will be discussed in an open forum. My forum was NOT created for that purpose.
With the PM opened and ignored, emails ignored also, then where am I supposed to ask for a closure on this?

The open forum, of which you do have a misc. section along with a blacklist section, on YOUR site.

Since I did attempt a PM and emails, which were ignored, I had no other avenue except the open forums.
She is on your site as a mod, and active there, so the forums on your site was a beginning point for the 'open' discussion.

With the ignorance of PMs and emails, along with deletion of the post, then the next place is here, on the BOI, mainly since Lori Kehoe is a member here AND does not have the powers to alter or delete this post as on other sites.

Once again Clay, all due process has been followed, no flames or TOS violations on your site or here.
Merely attempting to collect an outstanding debt.

The process was as follows -

pm to you, making you aware BEFORE being placed publicly
post on RTBs.com
post on BOI and in your blacklist (your version of the BOI)

Am I to forget about the debt since you don't want one of your mods to be asked to pay it?
Or be asked in a public forum where neither of you can modify or delete posts?