FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - about siklback and their husbandry
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Old 07-07-2007, 01:16 PM   #84
Tere Salazar
Originally Posted by Mooing Tricycle
I understood his comment completely, and did not see it as aimed at you, however hard one tries to make it seem that way. Dennis is nothing but Upstanding, and he does not just make remarks to make them without the facts.

I saw it as sarcasam at best, to a newbie owner trying to get their foot in on something they do not even fully understand. Assumptions dont fly well here at fauna, and ive learned my lesson at that. others should heed that advice
Yes, I now know that. After it hit me upside the head like a ton of bricks, I PMed Dennis apologizing. I have been super emotional, and have had attacks coming from every direction, not that it excuses my behavior to Dennis. Someone very wise once told me to never ASSume, and I did just that and proved that very wise someone right.

Dennis, I understand what you are saying that line breeding is done all the time, to establish and prove out lines. I also understand that line breeding can be done correctly and incorrectly.

I think the main concern as far as the inbreeding that took place to create these animals is that the gene pool for dragons is already so small that it just can't be good to add to that problem.

I think the other concern is that this isn't a simple color morph. This is much more on the lines of a deformity, and people are trying to exploit that.

This isn't so much about what everybody else may do, it's that some of us believe doing these things is immoral.