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Thread: Gravid Red Tail
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Old 07-19-2007, 06:35 AM   #4
Randall, see my post below about the 'hang' test. Also, apparently gravid females body temps will be around 88 degrees give or take a few degrees (higher than non-gravid snakes).

Did your female swell sometime in February, and then shed? Normally females give birth 105 days after a post-ovulation shed. Try the hang test and see if her back half gets lumpy. Take her body temp with a temp gun, if it's 85-88 she might be gravid. Though with the heatwave currently going on, that might not tell you much (all my boas seemed to have high body temps yesterday, males included).

I just went through the same thing - waiting and waiting... last resort is a sonogram like Heath had done.