FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Mark Miller of Loco-Lizards Liar and a Thief
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Old 07-25-2007, 02:27 PM   #65
Ed Clark
Jason, I have to disagree with you on this! Sellers hide behind unfair TOS just to get out of doing the right thing.

How far should a seller stand behind a snake that someone paid $6500.00 for, a long time. alot longer than some of these TOS that I have come across.

An honest and smart seller will stand behind a snake that their customer is having problems with...after all you may get someone once on a deal like this. but take care of them and treat them right and you will have earned a customer for life.

Marks only concern was to take Johns cash and he has not been fair at all in this deal. time for Mark to come to some sort of a resolution with John and put this to rest.
Originally Posted by KCRD.com

at what point during a sale does the seller's responsibility stop and the owner's begin? I say at the end of the seller's TOS, and this shouldn't be voided out if the seller is trying to help get the animal back on track well after the TOS has expired. I think expecting a seller to compensate you for an animal that you bought several weeks ago, let alone several months ago is asinine and just not fair.