FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Pictures of My New Tangerine Carrot Tail
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Old 08-08-2007, 10:32 PM   #1
Pictures of My New Tangerine Carrot Tail

Recently after only having one gecko for around 8 months I unknowingly found a tangerine carrot tail still growing gecko, which I named Chuckles, at my local reptile store. I brought her home and I am still amazed with her coloring. She is a very calm and loves to be handled gecko (unlike my other). She also is my first tangerine so I am very excited. It seems she had lost her tail, but finding one that I have wanted for so long at the price I bought her. It doesn't matter to me. Here is a picture of her, more coming soon.

Here is also a picture of my first gecko. I bought her 4 years ago along with another female, Gecio, which was a Mack Snow Albino, sadly I lost her. But Geeky (featured below) is a sweet girl, she is just a normal pattern nothing special but has a great personality. At the moment Chuckles and Geeky will get along and I don't know if they ever will.