FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Heavy parasite load found in ball python from Ed Clark
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Old 09-18-2007, 08:20 AM   #52
Griz, I do believe the timeline is that she did bring this to Ed about a week ago when it occurred and the tests were done. Ed was, from what I can read, given time to respond. A response that he isn't sure or can't remember if the snakes involved in this trade were in fact produced by him (as he stated) or in fact came from elsewhere is for me, under these sorts of circumstances, not something I'd be terribly thrilled with either.

I do have two snakes in our collection that came to us originally from Ed's collection. They'll both be having fecals done for our peace of mind.

As far as feeding, it is my understanding that Emily produces her own feeder rats. If these three things can come through a feeder animal, then would it not stand to reason that other snakes in her collection would be afflicted in a similar manner?

I really would like to be educated properly on how tapeworms, strongyloides and coccidia suddenly show up in a snake in a captive environment. I've been googling madly of course but I'd like to have a clear idea on this.

I do not believe Emily is looking for compensation or to be "difficult" about this but rather to simply inform other herpers of a possible risk (and personally I appreciate the warning).