FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Heavy parasite load found in ball python from Ed Clark
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Old 09-18-2007, 10:55 AM   #54
Jim O
Originally Posted by monkeywrench133
No, but it is your fault you didn't have them checked when you got them, or at least sooner than this.
That's a diaper load Erin. Not only did Ed Clark say his animals "as clean as you will find" but tapeworm eggs are not always or even shed shed. Emily could easily have had a negative fecal and still had a tapeworm.

Lets look at the facts, shall we?
  • Emily acquires a group of '05 females from Ed Clark that are allegedly CBB by Ed Clark
  • These animals do not thrive in her care
  • These animals are kept separate from her collection
  • Ed deals in CH imports
  • Ed Clark is known not to have the best, if any, quarantine procedures (see the link to BP.net)
  • Less than a year later one of these animals turns out to have a mature tapeworm
  • Tapeworm is an extremely uncommon problem in small CBB collections of snakes

There are three likely possibilities as I see it.
  1. Ed Clark sent Emily CH animals
  2. The animals that were sent to Emily were truly CBB but were infected through cross contamination with CH animals due to Ed Clark's poor or absent quarantine technique
  3. Tapeworms were acquired in an essentially closed collection
My money is on number 1 or number 2 based on the odds.