FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - BAD GUY Ryan Blakley Walter's World of Pets/ Wild Ryno Inc
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Old 09-24-2007, 01:34 PM   #15
Originally Posted by royalkreationz
I can tell you where Ryan is coming from on this issue. If you have a snake up on the classifieds, and someone buys it, then you remove that animal from the ads. Anyone else who calls on it is told they are sold. If he received four calls about the animals before you backed out on the purchase, then $400 is the restock fee for missed sales I guess. He does have a restock fee posted in his store. I have never read it as I have never returned anything to him. Be careful with that CC#, and don't give it out unless you are serious about a purchase.

First I am a serious buyer. You can visit the VENOMOUS forum at Fauna and see the long hard hours and money I have put in to my passion of snakes. I'm willing to pay for what I want and was offering Ryan what he asked for his snakes. I didn't try to talk him down on price, I paid what he asked. On that note I want to be happy with what I buy and put in my snake room. I was not happy with his snakes and I was pollite even when he was not and I told him I didn't mean to sound like I was bashing his snakes but they are not what I wanted after looking at the pictures. He knew before hand I wanted to see the pictures and agree before they shipped and the deal was final. If the time and effort wasn't worth it to him because I might back out he should of told me NO THANK YOU. I didn't nor would I ask him to send me snakes that cost almost $2,000.00 without seeing and agreeing that I like him.

Every breeder or shop I have dealt with I have always asked for pictures and or traveled to pick them out myself. I even went to Hamburg a few weeks ago and bought nothing and I live in Florida! I will go again in a month and again I may come back with nothing. If his snakes were what I wanted I would have no problem buying them, it's not the price or that I can't afford them. I just don't like the selection. I even offered to wait till the next littler but we see how that went...

I don't like being jerked around and I know others don't like it as well. I honestly was going to buy them if I agreed to the females. He knew there was a possability even after I paid him. I sent several emails insisting on the pictures before the deal was completed. Why didn't he say, to bad I'm sending you whatever I want? He sent the picture knowing I could back out and he took the chance knowing he might miss a sell on them. I'm sorry, call they guy back and tell them they are available again. He had more then 1.1 so... I'm not sure what he has now but I'm sure he can sell them again.