FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Has this ever happened to you,,?
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Old 04-22-2003, 04:07 PM   #75
Oh Richard, or if you will MM. Round and round we go, I seem to remember meeting you at a telemarketer forum. LOL
Mixing potting training a toddler to educating a corperation. LOL Now that IS good.
But I wont get into that now, I will just address about the iguana's because that is what i wrote. Glad you brought my Mother into it, she told me to fight for what is right, she told me to speak my mind, and if someone EVER hits me, do NOT turn the other cheeks and make damn sure I make my hit a harder one!
Now with that out of the way, I am not taking my aggressions out because of that, well not all of it . I am just putting all that he says and how he speaks to other in in in in one category. Yes, I am categorizing Seamus' words into one. I am saying Marcia did not deserve what he said to her. And you MM, shame on you to be on a telemarketers side because that is your softness, but not on the side of someone who is being called names.