FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Adam Wysocki @ 8BallPythons - Excellent Guy
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Old 09-28-2007, 11:28 AM   #4
I've also offered feedback on Adam before. I have three snakes from Adam, and hope to have more! Adam is truly passionate about his animals AND his customers! I had one animal that had a bit of a retained eyecap a few weeks after I got him. Having not seen had one before, it concerned me a bit (it was only a bit of it at the back of the eye). Adam knew it was nothing serious, but told me that if it gave me peace of mind to take him to the vet, and he'd pay the bill. Wow! I didn't take him up on it, and waited instead for the next shed and all was well.

Adam is a breeder I hope to emulate one day, in his practices, in his ethics, how he treats his customers - before, during and after the sale! I've known him for a little over 2 years now, and not only do we have a business relationship, I'm VERY proud to call him friend.