FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - What happened when I trusted Bill Leverton and loaned him money!
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Old 09-29-2007, 11:07 AM   #185
Originally Posted by monkeywrench133
Bill, Here's a bit of advice for you:

Shut your mouth, stop making excuses, and just pay Laura back.

No one here is interested in what you have to say, so let your actions speak for you, and do what's right without any fanfare.
monkey, I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this before, perhaps not so directly, but the point remains the same.

You do NOT speak for ME. Not NOW, not EVER. Put a reign on your arrogance and pull your head out of your ass.

Bill, I'm glad you're paying Laura back, whatever else is going on in your life THIS is something that needed doing.

Don't lump me in the the dumbasses like monkey, I know that sometimes you've been a bit of a turd, but it wasn't ALL the time. More than it should have been, no doubt, but at least you're making this right and you do deserve some credit for that.

Ignore the holier than thous and do what you know you need to. You probably won't ever achieve the heights of respect you had at one time, but you won't be sunk so low as you were either.

Whatever is happening, or not, do what you know is right.