FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - IBD disease / My ball and my boas
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Old 10-18-2007, 04:03 AM   #47
Originally Posted by mjcnj
IF I decide to euthenize sooner than later. What do I have to do to ensure that the next snakes I start off with again are OK. Blood tests? What do you do other than quarantine a snake when you get. Because if you just quarantine, do you not pick them up.
The most important thing is to buy from a reputable breeder. Research them on the BOI, ask around elsewhere, and ask the breeder any and all questions you feel the need to. Don't buy anything just because "it's a good deal". And again, blood tests can confirm that an animal has inclusion bodies present, but it CANNOT prove that an animal is negative for IBD. This is why quarantine is absolutely essential.

Originally Posted by mjcnj
AND just on the outside chance that they do have it, why can any one go to shows while they have a snake in quarentine. If someone has a snake, with no symptoms, that does not mean that the snake is clean.
Think of it this way.....if there is ANY chance, be it ever so small, that by YOU going to a show, that you could spread this disease and cause other people to go through the same thing that you are going through now....do you really want to take that chance? Do you want to be responsible for someone else having to put down their entire collection, their pet, and feeling the same despair you do?