FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Buyer Beware of Steve Ori Forgotten Realm
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Old 04-28-2003, 07:02 PM   #28
Please Steve, Post all my e mails.

It was asked if I was informed about this thread, I was not.
As with all companies if we can't supply you get
your money back. As you asked " If there are no more
reverse stripes can I get my money back". Well there
are more reverse stripes, you just don't want to pay
for them. If you want to take it to the BOI well
that's up to you.

Do you remember this e mail.

The reason I want a refund is because I dont think the m3 male is worth 450. It was not because I dont want to pay shipping. When I first put a deposit down was for a good represtation of a reverse stripe. You did not show me any pics I was just going by your judgement. M3 hardly has a reverse stripe. If you would check your e mail more often than once a week I did change my mind in a 1 week time so you wouldnt loose any customers wanting that male. Here are some pics so people can judge and please post all my e mails. I got nothing to hide.

Here is M3 450

and here is M2