FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Reptiglo 10 flourescent tube bulb: NEW TEST results
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Old 11-20-2007, 01:27 PM   #11


Oh great!! No, Dr. Baines wont mind at all! In fact, she is putting off writing her report for a few more days to compile more data to report to the company. So you are definitely helping!! I am sure that there are more cases but not everyone is online to view it.
Wow poor Mr. Wizard's eyes, that is so sad!
Yeah, that would do it, the ability to get that close to the light is what causes the photo kerato conjunctivitis for sure. The lights just shouldn't put out the low wavelength though, so, hopefully there will be enough evidence & cases for her to go to them with!
I am surprised that it took 2.5 months for it to fully develop. He was probably having some trouble like you said, before it got real bad because he lost weight, etc.
As long as he is back on the right track, that is awesome. His hipbones should start to fill out when his eating is 100%. I am just so glad you figured out the problem in time before it was too late.
The vets do need to be aware of these types of problems, too. Thanks for helping out.
Thanks for posting the picture too, that really helps. I am sure that there have been alot of cases that have gone unknown. I am so infuriated that the companies have no morals it seems. They just are not putting enough time or effort into the safety aspect of the lights to do enough testing prior to putting them out for sale.
I only hope that I am helping, as it seems not too many people always read reports. Frances is awesome. She has really helped me with lighting, technical stuff & is very caring. I am trying to help her as much as I can, too.
Don't hesitate to ask for anything, & I will try to help as much as possible.

