FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - AL Cortiz, BAD GUY
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Old 01-17-2008, 04:08 PM   #77
Originally Posted by Wilomn
Well, it seem ol al does indeed have something to hide.

I posted on TRR, copied my post from here in fact, and he deleted it.

It violated no TRR rules.

It's kind of like throwing down the gauntlet al. You do realize that, don't you?
maybe it was deleted because trr is one of the few sites that are worth visiting and it doesnt need this kind of garbage. i dont know al personally, but i know he has a good rep and i dont see how people see him as a bad guy. i dont think any of this in any will affect his good name. justyn on the other hand does have a bad rep and although it doesnt seem like hes done anything wrong this time, i cant figure out why hes got all worked up over this. what al did at the shhs site is what he should have done. his job their is to protect people who visit the classified section from possible problems and thats what he did. to me it just seems this like this is way bigger than it should be and bringing it here will probably prove to be much worse for justyn than it will for al. it seems to me that al is a trustworthy guy and is well respected in the venomous community, i doubt any of this will change that.