FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - AL Cortiz, BAD GUY
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Old 01-17-2008, 06:46 PM   #87
Well William you sure seem to miss the point.

"" -i dont know him personally, i know he cares about the hobby, cares about the snakes, and people throughout the community seem to respect him.""
Well two years ago I bet you would have thought Chris Johnson was a real good guy, many sure did but look how that turned out.

""-maybe he should have referred it to someone else, i think he himself mentioned that in a previous post. but it was his responsibility and if he had gone that route, someone here would surely be calling him out as a "scumbag" for having someone else handle it."'

Sure he'd be a scum bag for handling it the right way! yeah right, you might have thought so, I can't see why any reasonable person would think that. And what about this thing with Wes? it was part of what you Quoted but you failed to respond to it...

""-why, because the people in charge at that site dont tolerate grown people acting like children, calling names and stirring the bucket? ""

By the way-- you kick the bucket,,,,,,you stir the pot,,,,
Not sure what this comment has to do with the part of my post you Quoted but if he was the one who deleted the threads and blocked Wes well then there is that conflict of interest again but I guess that never crossed you mind did it William. Well I bet you figured out by now that it crossed mine and other folks minds.

Gary what's the scoop who deleted the threads and blocked Wes???