FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - ed clark- liar, theif, bad guy- will you answer questions NOW?
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Old 03-06-2008, 05:08 PM   #38
critical bill
Originally Posted by Neil Gubitz
David.... if you think King Turd and his Dingleberry Posse will ever change, don't hold your breath.... They are a JOKE that makes this site the absolute laughing stock of the reptile community.... I've had 5 bad deals in 11 years, and the last bad deal was over FOUR YEARS AGO, but does that matter to them... hell no.... Yet I'm still in business and doing very well.... This site and these morons don't mean a thing.... Now just watch how many of these idiots come and lambaste me for THIS post....
Read this site for sheer entertainment, that's all it's worth....

How ya making out getting your money back from Lawson? Ya know...with the latest info you were able to collect off this crappy site from these moron members? Still up the creek without a paddle pal? Good for you.

And lets be honest....you didn't "have" five bad deals....you "caused" five bad deals. Because you're a greedy selfish scumbag liar.