FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Anniversary of paid membership requirement for posting classifieds....
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Old 03-08-2008, 08:34 PM   #19
Mike Greathouse
A view from the outside.

This comes as no surprise to me at all.
Let's look at the history of the site from the perspective of someone no so close to the action anymore.

Rich, you created a wonderful resource for the reptile community
You put in what I am sure were endless hours and loads of money to bring it to the people. After a year or two (I'm unsure of the actual time-line), many loyal supporters of the site made donations, contributed animals and services for auction, and in general tried to help you carry on your vision. Not long afterward, you were convinced by many to charge admission to further offset those expenses. As I recall, you initially resisted that move.

You were prepared to lose a percentage of the membership because of the change. but, you were finally convinced it was necessary to ensure the continued existance of the forum. As it worked out, I don't think that you lost as much as you thought you would.

Unfortunately, it wasn't long after, that for whatever reason, you became disillusioned and adopted the previously mentioned "absentee landlord" attitude.

I personally feel, that this irritated quite a few of the people who had given money or animals to support the site. I believe, that at that point, it appeared to them that this had become all about money for you.

Sometime later, you then adopted the "Pay to Moderate" program which only bolstered that perception. The problems with that program have already been presented in this thread, and I will not elaborate upon them further.

With all of this, it is no surprise to me that the traffic is down.
In all of the forums that I visit, there are always a handful of individuals that help to DRIVE the site. They initiate discussions, answer questions, and in general help to make the site successful. When you lose the participation of these key people (and I think that you have lost several), the site suffers.

This is especially true with a site that has been dependent upon them because the site owner, has chosen not to participate on a daily basis and drive the site himself.

I wish you luck with the resurrection, so to speak. This was once a great site, and has the potential to be that again. However, I think it is up to you to make it so. Charging people for the privilege of running it for you, while an ingenious business move on your part, is not going to carry the site in the direction in which you have indicated that you want it to go.

There's an old saying in business: If it's going to be, it's up to me.

Good luck, and I sincerely wish you well.