FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Allen from Reptile Kingdom, in New Jersey, Beware
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Old 03-24-2008, 01:20 AM   #34
Originally Posted by memnoch1970
well i actually didnt send the dragons, my live in girlfriend did. i told her not to but shes a hard head. i knew this would happen, but now i feel i need to help her get her money . as for geeko den or whatever your name is what can i say theres always someone on a forum whos got to stick there nose where it doesnt belong..... its a fact of life. or a jersey thing....
A couple things here. First, there was no need to drag jasballs into this. He has every right to relate any transactions he has had with Allen. Good or bad.

Secondly, once you bring something to the BOI you are making it a public matter. Which means everyone has the right to put there 2 cents in. Some people are going to agree with you and some are not, but if you want people to respect and understand your side of things then you need to do the same in return.