FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Rick Wells / rwells69 (LIAR and STORY FABRICATOR)
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Old 04-12-2008, 12:40 PM   #8
Rick you might have gotten that warning for not posting your full name in each post you make on the BOI, without it there is a good chance your post will be deleted.

Now Rick you say it died how about some info then , how many days after you received the snake did it die ? Were their any symptoms before or did you just find it dead? What have you done with the body? Why did you take so long to notify Mike?

One thing that will help and also keep this more civil is to keep to the facts that pertain to this issue. The thing about phone conversations is that you have no proof to back up what you may or may not of said so tossing out the Luci comment didn't help and has nothing to do with this.

Mike can you post your terms of service as they read when this deal took place.

Rick, what you say you'd do is one thing but the TOS of the seller is what matters here in other words what Mike has written that he will do in this circumstance. If there are no written TOS then who knows.