FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - The Humane Society soled me out!
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Old 04-27-2008, 08:16 PM   #4
Great Lakes Reptiles
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The horse is saved but im the bad guy now!?... there are a few individuals that would really like me to keep my big moth shut including the Welland HS!!! the "Humane Society" were the ones that let it leak to the horse owner that this thread even existed!! and now that they have my identity they'd like to have the Police involved and have me charged. now that "the crap has hit the fan" it seems that i have become the bad guy to a few people as well, including family!!!! So now that the heat is on, some people would just like to stick their heads in the sand and wish everything would just go away. even my own wife is acting a little funny!

The bottom line is I should have never called the humane society! at first they had know intention of removing the horse immediately (red tape I guess) I should have just contacted one of the rescues instead and it would have saved a lot of drama.

PS funny how easily some people forget about the horse and only worry about themselves!

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and now im being harassed by threatening phone calls!
