FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Adenovirus questions
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Old 05-05-2008, 08:45 AM   #44


Yes, I agree. Nothing will ever get accomplished with this type of mindset. How will anyone know any acceptable levels without doing any testing?
One problem I have with trying for a vaccine is this. For arguments' sake, let's say that all dragons have adeno in their system naturally, but if you don't test how can you know if they do or don't? What good would come from injecting a vaccine carrying the Adeno in it, into a perfectly healthy dragon? Reptiles do not process meds very well, & things can become toxic much more quickly than they would in mammals. Injecting a vaccine such as that could be devastating & possibly fatal to healthy animals with low or nonexistent levels of adeno virus. The blood brain barrier is much more fragile in reptiles than mammals, leaving them more vulnerable to drugs passing across the membranes more easily & staying in the system much longer.
A vaccine is not necessarily a cure all. Look at humans, we get the "vaccine" for the flu, but we still get it alot of times, even if we did get the vaccine. The same goes for alot of other things, too.
You can't just inject a vaccine into an animal that may not have it, just to prevent it. Stopping breeding known positives is the only way to eradicate it all, but without testing no one will know who is positive & who is negative.
I believe adeno is something that us humans have done to the dragons, not something naturally found in nature.
We are responsible for the downfall of any animal species.
Sandy of all people understands what it is like to deal with Adeno. She has spent thousands of dollars on her 2 dragons but to look at them today you would never know. However, the average person is simply not willing to go to such lengths to keep their dragons alive. Most don't understand that type of committment & passion.
Thank you Sandy, for your comments.
