FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Adenovirus questions
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Old 05-05-2008, 09:09 AM   #45
Valley Dragons
Originally Posted by Drache613
Stopping breeding known positives is the only way to eradicate it all
How do you know this? It's a theory...but there is no way that you can be sure that no longer breeding AD+ dragons will result in the elimination of AD.

I believe adeno is something that us humans have done to the dragons, not something naturally found in nature.
We are responsible for the downfall of any animal species.
We as humans, did not do this to dragons. Viruses occur naturally in the environment. If we had released a genetically engineered lethal virus onto our dragons, then I could agree that it was our fault. But this is just a case of nature going through normal, natural processes. This has happened in many species, over many years. It weeds out the weak, and strengthens the strong. If you stop breeding all the strong healthy, AD+ drgagons that have aquired the ability to live healthy lives with this virus, then you are playing with nature. You will ultimately weaken the species. Sure...if you have a sickly dragons with AD, then do what you wish I suppose. Those dragons posses weak and inferior genetics, and they should not be bred and allowed to pass down their lack of resistance. But if you have strong, healthy AD+ dragons, then by all means, breed them! We need dragons like that![/quote]