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Thread: Adeno Thoughts
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Old 05-09-2008, 06:18 PM   #14


In case no one realizes this I was NOT on Fauna boards when the initial Adeno outbreak happened when Tere, Wendy & others lost their entire colonies. So none of that is even relevant information because I did not talk to anyone on this board before the last year or so.
Didn't you just tell me Jeff, in an email that you lost alot of dragons was it last year, due to a bacterial infection from what you thought was hornworm chow? The klebsiella & enterobacter aerogenes bacteria was one thing that you mentioned. They get those bacteria because their immune system is depressed. It is found in AIDS patients, which also have low immune systems.
I know of quite a few dragons with those same bacterias, that were traced back to the chow. Klebsiella has a 50% death rate, even with medication. All of those health problems are secondary complications caused by having a suppressed immune system. Since you did not have them tested for AV, now you cannot claim that they did or did not have it. You also sold a breeder to Anthony also, who she passed away shortly after he got her & she had passed away from the same type of symptoms. He said he never had her tested either, because I did ask him.
I still have no idea why you all want to breed animals with compromised immune systems? No it would not wipe out adeno negative dragons because they would not have compromised immune systems.
Jeff would not tell anyone that he lost all of those dragons because he doesn't want anyone to know. That is dishonest. I never tell anyone to put their dragon down with Adeno. Besides I know plenty of people that have managed to pull their positive dragons out & actually gotten them semi healthy now.
You all are still the same. You attack Tere, Wendy, & anyone else who doesn't agree with you & is trying to do something different. You managed to run CheriS off too. They come forward to tell everyone what had happened, & you attack them like vultures.
As for my quote from the breeder on BD.org, he had been told by lots of others to separate his dragons as his female was being overbred. Or, do you not believe in overbreeding?
I am referring to the U. of Florida document posted right here on this forum where it specifically states it is recommended not to breed positive dragons, & if done, disclosure should take place prior to purchase.
