FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Adeno Thoughts
Thread: Adeno Thoughts
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Old 05-09-2008, 11:11 PM   #32
All I can say is this...if you insist on telling prospective buyers that beardies are adeno positive, then you MUST tell them about any parasite they have had, or any RI that was not identified, or any other problem- they have had, high coccidia counts in the past. Then you need to tell them what treatment was implemented to rid the dragon of the preceding issues. But maybe they test positive to the RI they had, does this mean they are worthless dragons??? Or does it mean they will never suffer like they did before because their antigen presenting memory cells, many that are B cells that produce antibodies-that have the job to ellicit cytokines that kick in the T cells that fight this previous infection recognize it now and the poor poor dragon never gets sick from this exposure again??? Perhaps we need to let life be as its suppose to be??????????? Take care all, B and thanks Anthony.