FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Greetings from South Korea
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Old 05-25-2008, 12:13 PM   #1
Greetings from South Korea

not really, I now live in Vancouver Canada, but I am a native South Korean, and have no other back grounds, I am a 100% South Korean
anyways, so I am currently a owner of a baby male red tegu, and a dog, but i am currently looking for a breeding pair of ball pythons (1 male pastel, and 1 female normal), a frilled dragon, and whatever else that i will have room for once everything is set and done
in the past i've owned tons of anoles, geckos, frogs, skinks, boas, hamsters, chickens, mice, salamanders, fish, and ferrets
my personal favourite was the monkey tail skink, and the columbian red tail boa, but now large monitors, tegus, pythons and boas are my main interests