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Old 05-30-2008, 04:31 PM   #18
Originally Posted by deborahbroadus
Mine is doing great! (sorry for the late reply)

Samwise has put on SO much weight and is so healthy. I have had to move him outside.
I moved him from here (there was barely enough room to turn around any more)

To here:

The set up is not finished (I work full time and get home around 8pm). I plan to have a Kane Pig heater on the floor covered with dirt substrate and Aspen substrate. On the roof inside there will be a hanging heat lamp (thanks Harald for the suggestion) and over the door a tarp will keep out the drafts. Over all of this, I plan to put some netting so that they will be safe from birds and UFOs. The yard is fenced in, so if he succeeds in getting out of his pen..he'll still be in the yard..just difficult to find.
First, sorry to hijack the thread, and I'm very glad you got your tort to the vet and things are looking up baybay.

Second - that's a lovely (and I do mean loveeeely) tort pen Deborah, if only the walls were higher. Your lil fellow will climb right out of there. And believe it or not, he/she will climb a chain link fence like a monkey if given enough time, so don't count on your fenced yard keeping him/her in. But big kudo's for getting the lil guy outside. A steamy Maryland summer will be redfoot heaven!

Running the walls one board's width higher and put a lip on the inside edge will fix it up easily. Whether or not torts are intelligent animals (I happen to think they are) he/she has all day and all night to push dirt against the walls to build a ramp to reach the top with their front claws. Up and over will eventually follow.

I know you said you weren't finished, so I'm throwing this at you while you're still working on it.

One more thing (god I feel horrible nit-picking like this, I really do love your pen, especially the house!) if the walls are resting on the ground it would take less than one evening for him/her to dig right under them. Redfoots and Yellowfoots are amazing escape artists!