FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - First Time Leo Breeder
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Old 06-02-2008, 06:42 AM   #1
Question First Time Leo Breeder

Hi All,

I am new to breeding Leos, but not reptiles. I have had Leos as pets for the pst 3 years now and finally decided to breed them this year. So far all is going well and I have the first clutches incubating.

But I have a question.

I know that a female can have up to 10 clutches a year. Now for that to happen do i have to breed them multiple times? In order to track pedigrees as well as make it less stressful on the Leos I have always housed them individually. I introduced the females to the males tubs and left them together for a week. About 20 days latter we had eggs. That was just a few days ago. Now I know with my snakes if I want a second clutch I have much better odds if I rebreed my females. Does this hold true with Leos as well or do they retain sperm long enough for the entire season? If I should rebreed them at what time interval should I do it?

Thanks for the help,