FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Giant tegu!!
Thread: Giant tegu!!
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Old 06-08-2008, 09:04 PM   #32
Not this, Again!

Those are some big tegu's, and big eggs. The giant next to the red of the same age is pretty impressive.

Bobby, I have talked with you and told you that I think your tegu's are beautiful in their own right. I even said that if you produced more than you presold I would be interested in picking one up.

However, after the whole fiasco that Rick Sisco's Good Guy BOI thread turned into I thought everyone had agreed to drop the word "chacoan" from the name of their tegu's. It is misleading, and a misrepresentation of your animals to call them "true chacoan giants," because nobody can prove the origin of their tegu's. I am sure if Rick had posted a new thread calling his tegu's "chacoan white heads" you would be crying foul, and he has just as much of a right to call his "chacoan" as you do(more so, if I remember correctly.)

Why didn't you just stick to calling them "True Giants," and drop the word "chacoan" like you said you were going to? If you want to be as honest as possible that is what you should do IMO.

Anyway good luck with the project, and I look forward to watching your yearlings mature over the next two years.