FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Charles Clifford Allthatslithers@yahoo.com-thief
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Old 06-13-2008, 02:25 PM   #1
Charles Clifford Allthatslithers@yahoo.com-thief

IF you are in the market for feeder anoles or other herps do NOT trust this guy:

charles clifford
122 brown loop
harleyville,sc 29448
843-225-2777 wk
943-462-2703 hm
Or anyone else using a different name and this address, I recently contacted him about buying 100 feeder anoles as the frozen ones I had bought looked like freeze dried coffee. Guy gave me a big song and dance about how he's "way back in the boonies and shucks we aint got no modern way o' doing things"
Don't send him any money..because the phone numbers are bogus and as soon as he gets the cash he stops responding. And i have given him EVERY opportunity-and if he kissed my butt right here in front of you ALL i wouldn't take back a word-DO NOT DEAL with this guy!