FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Art REX Designs, Inc - T-shirts
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Old 06-22-2008, 10:03 AM   #1
Art REX Designs, Inc - T-shirts

Art REX Designs offers original and creative designs featuring the artwork of yours truly (Michael Crabtree). My passion has always been herps and dinosaurs, so I'm hoping these shirts will appeal to the herp-keeping community.

Right, now there's a few dinosaurs, a ball python, a crested gecko, tuatara and one dragon design....all offered in a variety of styles.

So check them out and buy one today: Art REX Designs - Herp Shirts!

The next designs will include an Asian vine snake, a komodo dragon and a southern copperhead and hopefully will be available soon.

I'm also taking requests, both for custom, original designs or existing designs in a different shirt style. Please shoot me an email or PM if you have any questions or requests.