FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - REPTILES PLUS IN FLA THEIVES!!! BUYERS BEWARE!!!
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Old 06-29-2008, 01:48 AM   #1

I ordered a dwarf jackson chameleon from this guy Victor that owns Reptiles Plus in FLA. He guarateed me the right species or my money back. Well when my chameleon came it was NOT dwarf jacksons, it was a flapjack. I called to tell him he told me he did not know how to identify the species and he was relying on his wholesaler to know what they have. So after talking it over I agreed to pay him for the flapjack and he agreed to ship me my other chameleon the following week. Well the day he was supposed to ship it he emails me a picture. Guess what??? ANOTHER FLAPJACK! So he tells me he is unable to get my jacksons and he is issueing me a full refund within 2 days. I contact him the following day to ask when I am getting my refund and he says by tomorrow. So the following day I contact him again and he tells me he can not refund my money yet as he is waiting for the wholesaler to refund his money. So I put in a dispute with paypal. Then he sends paypal the tracking report for the WRONG chameleon he sent me that was worth a quarter of the price of the other one and paypal said that since he had a tracking number there is nothing they could do but close the dispute. They did say I could put in a dispute for the other amount I paid him which was only a 1/4 of the original payment. So this VICTOR FROM REPTILES PLUS ROBBED ME OF MY MONEY. HE IS A THIEF AND A SHADY PERSON DO NOT BUY FROM HIM!!!!! HE TOLD ME HIMSELF HE DOES NOT KNOW HOW TO IDENTIFY HIS ANIMALS AND RELIES ON THE WHOLESALERS TO DO SO. HE IS RUNNING A SHADY BUSINESS AND SHOULD BE SHUT DOWN!!!He posts on the main classified forums so if you see the ads from REPTILES PLUS steer clear if you do not want to be ripped off!!!!!