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Old 07-17-2008, 09:41 AM   #6
The no pets clause is a sticky situation.
Here in Jersey it's extremely hard to find a landlord that allows pets...more difficult than anyplace else I've lived. In my experience, it's really only dogs and cats(or other possibly destructive animals) that are the reason for the no pets clause. Some landlords will hold you to the letter of the lease and think of 'pets' as being anything other than you that is alive.
It wouldn't hurt to ask your landlord a few questions, like, "Would it be alright if I got an aquarium or a terrarium?".
If you do decide to go for it, make sure you get a cage that is escape proof! Snakes have nothing better to do than try and find ways to escape. Just try explaining to your landlord why your next door neighbor found your snake in their living room...
Forgiveness may be easier to get than permission, but in this case, full disclosure might just be for the best.