FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Introduce a HEALTHY male with a SICK male dragon?
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Old 09-12-2008, 11:50 PM   #4
Hi all,
Thanks for your feedback! My male is pretty out of it, so he wouldn't be stressed by others being in the tank, unless he was attacked. My female has been living with him for 7 years, and she was never stressed either - she produced 2 clutches/year with him for years. They love each other's company, and sleep on top of each other most nights. I already own several additional small tanks to house the babies in when I sold my hundreds of babies throughout the years. It's another large tank that my parents would not approve of. All the vets I had brought my male dragon to don't think the bacterias living behind his eyes are contagious. I disinfect everything inside the tank frequently using Virosan/Nolvasan to kill bacteria. I've been using 100W Powersun mercury vapor bulbs for years. I fill my female's stomach prior to my male's feeding. The reason why my male got sick was because one day after one of the dragons defecated into the sand, the female kicked it up right into his face, planting many different types of bacteria in his eyes. This is the reason why I NEVER suggest the use of sand to anyone. I've been using shelf liner for the past 5 years now with no further problems. The poor guy has had every test done for him that the vets could think of, and I spent thousands on all of it while administering every type of eye drop, injection and oral solution, so I'm just going to let him be and let nature take its course. All the vets agreed that the damage on him is permanent because it's been so many years. If I had bought an additional male and he did attack my sick male, I would just sell the new dragon to a new owner. But because I had placed this post on multiple websites and 100% of the people think a new male dragon would attack my sick dragon, I will not pursue the purchase. After all, I don't want what's best for me - I want what's best for my dragon. Thank you again!
