FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Reptster.com experience with show sponsorship not good
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Old 09-18-2008, 10:12 AM   #87
Just remember, David, the folks here on the BOI are some of your prospecive customers.

If the fact that this issue was brought here is your excuse for not replying then I think you better re-think your opinion. You had trouble communicating with Kelly long before she brought the issue here and I reiterate; all you had to do was say something to her before this (y'know-communicate-sheesh!) and this thread would be a non-issue.

If you thought the price agreed upon to promote the show was excessive then you might have mentioned that a while ago. (Y'know-communicate) She has tried to give you your money's worth in advertising and I feel she has, have her send you an invoice for her time and printing costs and see just how close she's come to your original $750 quote, I'll bet it's fairly close.

Sounds to me like you don't really give two shakes what we think here on the BOI. You are entitled to cut your nose off to spite your face. It also sounds like you found an excuse in Terry's posting and now have the bit in your mouth and are running with it. You are entitled to that also.

I just don't have a single idea why a simple sentence like: "Kelly, we really need to discuss the original sponsorship agreement as I'm thinking the original amount is not appropriate" could not have been made weeks ago thereby saving my fingers from all this typing?

BTW, it took my 15 seconds to make up and type a theoretical quote from you. I'll bet it would have taken you less time to send her an original.

One sentence.

That is all it takes to get Kelly to listen to you.

One sentence.

And we most likely wouldn't be here.

One sentence.

How hard is that, David?