FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - The PROOF that venomoid snakes are not safe!`
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Old 10-21-2008, 03:59 PM   #57
Gary O
Originally Posted by hhmoore View Post
I understand what you are saying about video....I think. Here's the problem, though: You want to use it to warn people away from animals produced by nonvets, and toward V.Inc, by saying (in essence) This could happen to you, if you buy from somebody else. The obvious problem with that is that it seems you are saying that the same thing cannot happen with a void produced by an experienced vet...but, in practically the same breath, you admit that it can.

As for the other issue, I think we can all agree that if this procedure is going to be performed, it should be by a licensed vet experienced in the surgery (and, by necessity, one intimately familiar with the anatomies involved) - simply because that choice would be expected to provide safer, more humane conditions for the animal (including anesthesia, pain management, and infection control), and result in both improved survival rates AND greater safety to the end purchaser. That acknowledgement is a far cry from not recognizing & acknowledging the potential dangers, or being supportive of the theory & practice.
Man right on....

The thing I have been saying for years is that the vets that do do this to sell will not put on paper or their site that there is a chance for the snake to become venomous again.

Humans make mistakes. I hope for others lives that the vets that do this are perfect.