FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - The PROOF that venomoid snakes are not safe!`
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Old 10-21-2008, 08:00 PM   #64
Originally Posted by devenomized View Post
Rather than quoting me, why don't you find the facts and link to the cobra incident you mentioned earlier? or how about some links to the reports you claimed you have read? Can you share those with the Fauna community?
It's not as if I can ask the person in question - he moved out of the state at least 10 years ago, and as of the last time I inquired about him, none of our mutual acquaintances had contact info.
As for the articles/reports I read - I'll be happy to look for them...but there are no guarantees that I'll find them. I probably should start cataloging things like that so I can find them when the subject comes up at a later date.