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Old 12-05-2008, 01:59 PM   #14
Tere Salazar
When they're old enough and big enough, you'd drop the male in with one of the girls, and WATCH HIM VERY CLOSELY, to make sure he's not too rough (we have a male that likes to bite the girls' faces). Most males will get busy immediately.

After they breed, you can expect eggs about 3-4 weeks later. Be forewarned, females can lay up to 4 clutches off one breeding, anywhere from 15 to 35 (give or take) eggs. You'll know she's gravid when she starts eating a LOT, then stops eating and starts digging and/or pacing the cage frantically trying to get out. Sometimes, you can actually see the outlines of the little eggs in her tummy, sometimes not, depends on how chubby she is.